1. They don’t get better with age


Thirty something Gavin Lloyd is an active guy, he runs and cycles as often as he can and has done the ‘Coast to coast’ more than once. Having his legs in top shape is vital, which is why he’s kept a vigilant eye on the varicose veins in his right leg. He knew they would need to be treated one day but hadn’t got around to having them checked out.


When Gavin’s father became ill and needed an urgent operation to treat his own varicose veins, Gavin knew it was time to have his own legs checked. His father had put up with varicose veins too long and now in his 70s it was a more complicated procedure. Gavin needed to make sure the same didn’t happen to him.


  1. You don’t know what’s going on inside


To be honest, there was a part of him that felt a bit embarrassed and indulgent thinking about getting his veins sorted; was it more for cosmetic reasons that people got their varicose veins fixed?


He decided to book a consultation with Specialist Vein Health to get the low down on his right leg. It was pretty unsightly but wasn’t causing him any pain or discomfort. What came as a complete surprise was that his ultrasound revealed his left leg needed treatment almost as much as his right leg did. He had no idea his left leg had varicose veins because it looked perfectly okay on the outside. They would get worse if he left them untreated and eventually it would be painful to walk.


  1. You don’t have to go under


Gavin had endovenous ablation therapy (EVA) using laser. This causes the veins to collapse and eventually fade away. Gavin was expecting an operation under a general anaesthestic and he also expected to be out of action for months.


He was back at work the next day. All up it took about two hours.


Each day he can see an improvement and he’s enjoying watching those old veins disappear.


If you are wondering about your veins, make that appointment with Specialist Vein Health today and put your mind at rest – procedures are walk in walk out and you’re in safe hands. No referral needed. Call 0800 83 46 43.